WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 690 [name] => Paula [slug] => paula [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 690 [taxonomy] => product_cat [description] => [:en][:lv][:lv][:lv][:lv][:lv][:en][:en][:lv][:lv][:lv]Eleganti sieviešu velosipēdi
Drosmīga elegance, kas iedvesmo. Shimano Nexus septiņu pārnesumu rumba, askētiski dubļusargi, izsmalcināti ādas rokturi un sēdeklis, plaša pārredzamība – Ērenpreiss Paula dizains ir radīts skaistiem un neaizmirstamiem velobraucieniem.
[:en]Women’s city cruiser bicycles
Paula is the ultimate women’s city bicycle, with an exquisite design and technical capabilities that allow for unrivalled enjoyment of the ride. Shimano Nexus seven speed rear hub, ascetic mudguards, an exquisite leather saddle and leather handlebar grips make this bicycle truly special.
[:de]Mutige Eleganz, die inspiriert. 7- Gang-Nabenschaltung, asketische Schutzbleche, edle Ledergriffe und -sattel, breite Überschaubarkeit – für lange und unvergessliche Fahrradspaziergänge geschaffenes Design.[:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:] [parent] => 133 [count] => 2 [filter] => raw [term_order] => 6 )